Mauro Mancia: Implicit Memory and Non-Repressed Unconscious: Their Role in the Analytic Encounter22 Jul. 2003
Johannes Lehtonen: The Dream Between Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis: Has Feeding an Impact on Brain Function and the Capacity to Create Dream Images in Infants?21 Jul. 2003
Viviane Chetrit-Vatine: On Primal Seduction, On Responsibility Towards the Other, and On Asymmetry in the Psychoanalytical Encounter19 Jul. 2003
Lucio Russo: The Analyst's Subjectivity in the Psychoanalytic Cure: Self-Analysis of Countertransference and Transference14 Jul. 2003
Giuseppe Pellizzari: The Singer and the Song: The Analyst's 'Humanity', Specific Competences in the Psychoanalysis of Young Adults12 Jul. 2003
Daniel Widlöcher: How the Analyst's Person is Affected By and Induces Thought-Transference11 Jul. 2003
Evelyne Séchaud: The person of the analyst in the psychoanalytic cure: the intra-psychic, inter-psychic paradox in different psychoanalytic traditions3 Jul. 2003
Antonino Ferro: The Analyst as Individual, His Self-Analysis and Gradients of Functioning16 Jul. 2003